My Favourite Polar Feet Photo
Posted by Lisa Falconer on
This is my favourite Polar Feet photo--and those of you have been following us for a while will recognize it. It was taken by my friend John Alexander--a very talented photographer and writer who was kind enough to share this photo and let me use it over and over again. It really showcases some key aspects of what Polar Feet is all about: vibrant colour, variety, and friendship. This is a group of people--maybe a family, maybe a group of friends--who you know must be laughing while they jostle into position. They are comfortable with each other and are participating in this crazy group photo; the purpose of which is to highlight Polar Feet fleece socks but is also a memento of their friendship, support, and generosity.
So every time I look at this photo I am reminded of their kindness and I am struck by the warmth that comes from it and I am grateful...I have so much to be thankful in Canada we have already celebrated Thanksgiving but I am happy to share in the spirit of the holiday with my American friends this week. It's always a good thing to reflect on what's best in our lives and say "thank you!"
Happy Thanksgiving,
Polar Feet
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